August 2012 | Martinian Lawyers
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August 2012

LAPD Under Investigation Regarding Firearm Sale

It has recently been announced that the SWAT unit of the LAPD is under investigation by an independent watchdog. They have stated that there are serious concerns regarding whether members of the SWAT unit may have used their position to acquire specially-made weapons in order to sell them at a profit. This is not a recent occurrence, however, with the first suspicions being…

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Suspect Under Arrest Following Attempted Rape in Santa Clarita

In the early hours of Saturday morning, at approximately 5.50 a.m., a 19-year-old woman woke up after hearing sounds in her home. She lived in the 27500 block of Sierra Highway in Santa Clarita, California. She went into her living room in order to see what was causing the noise when she saw a man. According to her report, she told him to…

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70 Year Old Tennis Referee Accused of Murdering Her Husband

After being arrested in New York where she was scheduled to be a line judge at the U.S. Open, Lois Goodman was brought back to Los Angeles to begin her trial for the charges of murdering her husband. The series of events began last spring when Goodman claims that she found the body of her husband when she came home in Woodland Hills,…

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Death of Director Tony Scott Now Being Treated As a Suicide

On Sunday August 9th, director Tony Scott jumped to his death from a bridge over the Los Angeles Harbor. Born in North Shields, England to working-class parents, Tony Scott became interested in film-making at a young age. When he was sixteen, he appeared in a short film directed by his brother, Ridley Scott. Ridley Scott is known for being the director of Blade…

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18-Year-Old Mother of Two Leaves Children Locked in Car

Two children were sent to St. Francis Medical Center in Lynnwood, California after being rescued from their locked vehicle. A concerned citizen was officially thanked by the LAPD after reporting seeing the children locked in a car in 92 degree weather. The temperature inside a car is up to 15 degrees hotter than the outside temperature, making it extremely dangerous to leave people…

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79-Year-Old “Onion Field” Murderer Dies in Prison

Almost fifty years ago, the country was shocked at the murder of a Los Angeles police officer as well as the attempted murder of his partner. On March 10th, 1963, Gregory Ulas Powell and Jimmy Lee Smith were driving through Hollywood, CA looking for a liquor store to rob. Powell had grown up in a difficult family in Michigan and spent most of…

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Patrols Increased Outside Sikh Temples Throughout Los Angeles

Although the incident happened over 2,000 miles away, LAPD are increasing patrols outside Los Angeles Sikh temples as there is always the fear of a copycat attack. More is coming to light regarding the shooting at a Sikh temple in Oak Creek, Wisconsin. The gunman responsible for the deaths of six victims as well as the wounding of several more is Wade Michael…

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Murders of Four California Women Linked to Prison Escapee

In 1977, L.D. escaped from prison in Florida while serving time for robbery. For the next thirty years, he evaded arrested until he was found and arrested by Ontario police. Upon learning that he had an outstanding escape warrant in the State of Florida, he was extradited back. It had only been a few days, however, when he was found hanging in his…

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Double Homicide in Panorama City Leads to One Arrest

Officers were called to North Hills when two men were seen acting suspiciously. Thinking it was a possible car burglary or theft, officers arrived to investigate. The did not see any signs of the target vehicle, however they did detain two suspects who appeared to be hiding from the police officers. What they later found out was that one of the suspects was…

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Nine Arrested in Anaheim Protests

Angry protesters gathered outside the police headquarters in Anaheim in order to protest the recent police shootings in the area. Among the family members of those killed was 65-year-old T.S. She lost her 35-year-old son in 2009 after he was shot dead by the Anaheim police. On July 29th 2012, M.D. was fatally shot while he was attempting to avoid arrest, even though…

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