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December 2024

How Much Do Car Accident Lawyers Charge in California?

A car accident claim in a fault-based insurance state like California can quickly become complex. Under California’s pure comparative negligence insurance system, an insurance company investigates the accident with protecting profits as their motive. This means they could assign an undue percentage of blame to you as an injury victim so they can reduce the compensation by your percentage of fault. For this…

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How Long Do I Have to File a Personal Injury Claim In California?

Suffering a sudden injury sends your life spinning in a new undesirable direction, with unfortunate repercussions on all aspects of living, including financial strife, painful medical procedures, and lengthy recovery times. In the worst cases, a serious injury could result in long-term consequences or permanent disability. The paperwork process, investigations, and negotiations associated with a personal injury claim in California’s fault-based insurance state…

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