Los Angeles Transvaginal Mesh Injury Lawyer
Did you suffer a complication of transvaginal mesh? Many women received a transvaginal mesh implant to treat conditions such as stress urinary incontinence (SUI) and pelvic organ prolapse (POP), but the mesh material used in these implants caused serious side effects such as perforation, bleeding, infection and more.
The FDA has released various warnings about the dangers or transvaginal mesh. If you were injured by this defective medical device, then you may have a claim. Discuss your case with a Los Angeles personal injury attorney at Martinian Lawyers today by calling (323) 850-1900.
Side Effects of Transvaginal Mesh
Some of the transvaginal mesh side effects that the FDA has warned against include:
- Mesh Erosion
- Mesh Shrinkage
- Severe Pain
- Infection
- Difficulty Urinating
- Painful Intercourse
Mesh erosion leading to organ perforation and infection are among the most serious side effects. The synthetic mesh material implanted in the vagina can erode and become infected, migrate and change positions, create perforations in internal organs, and cause a great amount of pain overall.
Transvaginal mesh was originally marketed as a low-risk way to treat a number of pelvic conditions in women, but thousands of women actually ended up suffering from severe side effects. There are ways to treat these female pelvic conditions without the use of synthetic mesh, and many doctors are reverting back to those procedures due to the high number of lawsuits and claims over transvaginal mesh.
What Companies Manufacture Transvaginal Mesh?
There are a variety of different medical device companies that manufacture transvaginal mesh. The most prominent are:
- Boston Scientific Corp.
- C.R. Bard, Inc.
- American Medical Systems, Inc.
- Ethicon, Inc.
The majority of transvaginal mesh injury cases are categorized as product liability. This means that the product manufacturer is the party being held liable, rather than the doctor or healthcare facility that was responsible for implanting the synthetic mesh.
From the year 2005 to 2008, the FDA received more than 1,000 complaints of injury associated with transvaginal mesh. The complaints involved mesh products from a total of nine different mesh manufacturers. To treat these injuries, doctors had to conduct surgeries to remove the mesh, give IV therapy treatments, blood transfusions and sometimes drain hematomas and abscesses.
In 2011, the FDA posted an updated warning about transvaginal mesh products. In 2008, the FDA warned that adverse side effects from this product were rare but the update declared that mesh erosion and failure were actually quite common in cases of vaginal implants. Previously, most believed that the benefits of transvaginal mesh outweighed the risks, but this is no longer believed to be true.
If you suffered from mesh erosion and had to undergo multiple corrective surgeries to repair this damage, then you may have a claim. Some women even suffered from permanent injuries and chronic pain from the implants. One of the more recently discovered side effects, mesh shrinkage, can lead to serious pelvic pain and difficulty during urination or intercourse, much like mesh erosion.
Contact a Los Angeles Transvaginal Mesh Attorney
Martinian Lawyers may be able to help you if you suffered a serious adverse side effect from a transvaginal mesh implant. We are prepared to represent clients in their fight against a medical product manufacturer or possibly a healthcare professional.
Contact a Los Angeles Transvaginal Mesh lawyer from our firm to learn your rights and discern whether or not you have a case.