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Martinian Law

Martinian Lawyers Secures $22.5 Million Jury Verdict Against the City of Los Angeles — Its Largest Settlement to Date

On November 14, 2020, 59-year-old Ismael Soto Luna was waiting to cross the street at the corner of Noble Avenue and Roscoe Boulevard in Van Nuys when a two-pound metal cap from a nearby light pole fell 30 feet, striking him on the head and knocking him to the ground. Represented by attorneys Arash Zabetian and Tomik Vertanous of Martinian Lawyers, Luna sued…

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Who Is Liable In a Truck Accident?

Large commercial trucks are essential links in the nation’s supply chain, bringing goods and services into and out of California. Unfortunately, they also tower over smaller vehicles on the road and outweigh them by more than 75,000 pounds when fully loaded. According to the National Safety Council, about 70% of truck accident injuries and fatalities occur to those in smaller vehicles, not to…

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Press Release: Martinian Lawyers Files Sexual Abuse Lawsuit Against Oxnard School District

For Immediate Release On December 11th, 2024, Martinian Lawyers filed a lawsuit on behalf of two minors against Oxnard School District and Jorge Ruiz, an employee of the district.  The lawsuit alleges that Ruiz sexually harassed and abused minor students and that OSD was negligent in hiring, supervising, and retaining an unfit employee, Ruiz, which resulted in said abuse. The suit states that…

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Minimum Car Insurance Requirements in California

California is a fault-based car accident state with pure comparative negligence insurance laws. This type of system requires car accident victims who seek compensation to file claims against the insurance of the driver responsible for the accident. To protect California drivers from personal liability, California requires all drivers to carry at least the state’s minimum car accident insurance or leave a deposit for…

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How Much Do Car Accident Lawyers Charge in California?

A car accident claim in a fault-based insurance state like California can quickly become complex. Under California’s pure comparative negligence insurance system, an insurance company investigates the accident with protecting profits as their motive. This means they could assign an undue percentage of blame to you as an injury victim so they can reduce the compensation by your percentage of fault. For this…

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How Long Do I Have to File a Personal Injury Claim In California?

Suffering a sudden injury sends your life spinning in a new undesirable direction, with unfortunate repercussions on all aspects of living, including financial strife, painful medical procedures, and lengthy recovery times. In the worst cases, a serious injury could result in long-term consequences or permanent disability. The paperwork process, investigations, and negotiations associated with a personal injury claim in California’s fault-based insurance state…

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Will My Driving Record Affect My Personal Injury Claim?

California is one of the majority of states with fault-based insurance laws for car accident claims. Under the state’s pure comparative negligence laws, it matters who caused or contributed to the accident. If you’ve suffered injuries and property damage in a California car accident through no fault of your own, you might expect the insurance company of the negligent or reckless driver to…

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How Long Do You Have to Report a Car Accident to Your Insurance in California?

No one plans on an accident, yet about four thousand fatal car accidents occur in California each year—a high number second only to Texas. Because traffic accidents are unfortunately common, California requires drivers to carry at least the minimum car insurance requirements, including $15,000 in injury coverage per person, $30,000 in total injury coverage per accident, and $5,000 in property damage. Drivers who…

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Average Car Accident Settlement In California

Car accidents are physically, emotionally, and financially distressing to all involved, especially when one or more motorists suffer injuries. Obtaining compensation after an accident cannot erase the pain and trauma, but it does relieve immediate financial hardship and brings car accident injury victims in California a sense of financial accountability and justice. One of the first questions a car accident victim asks when…

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What Happens if I Am Hit by an Uninsured Driver in California?

After an accident, an injury victim faces an overwhelming array of challenges, including physical pain, emotional distress, and often resulting financial hardship. The additional distress of learning that the driver responsible for a collision is uninsured leaves many car accident victims in California bewildered and unsure where to turn. Fortunately, a motorist or pedestrian hit by an uninsured driver in a collision in…

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