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Martinian Law

Investigation Continues Surrounding Woman’s Skeleton Found in Malibu Ravine

In 2009, twenty-four-year-old M.R. was arrested after leaving a restaurant without paying the bill. For walking out on the $86 she owed, she was taken to a remote sheriff’s station for booking. In the middle of the night, she was released from custody. This is usually a good thing, but it was the middle of the night in a scarcely populated area. Not…

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Los Angeles Man Arrested for Killing Father With Hammer

On March 18th, a man was arrested after telling law enforcement that he was guilty of killing his father with a hammer. Police went to the home in Chatsworth after receiving a call and they found a man dead inside. Rather than making up an excuse, the son of the dead man freely told the police that the man was his father and…

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Illegal Search & Seizure

Under the Fourth Amendment of the Constitution, citizens are protected againstillegal search and seizure. This means that if a law enforcement officer needs to search a premise, home, or vehicle, they must first secure a search warrant unless they have due cause. Not only that, but they cannot arrest someone without an arrest warrant or without probably cause. This section of the U.S….

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World-Renowned Wine Collector Arrested for Fraud

Wine collector and dealer, Indonesian R.K., was arrested in Los Angeles following attempts to sell over $1.3 million incounterfeit wine. He was well known for his taste and expertise and his mere interest in a wine could drive up the prices. He sold to millionaires and billionaires and even had an unconditional return policy on his wines. The first hint of suspicion arose…

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Understanding California’s Open Container Laws

Under the California Vehicle Code, it is illegal to drive with an open container of alcohol in a vehicle, even if the driver is not consuming the alcohol. Usually, this offense is categorized as an infraction which is only punishable by a fine. However, some aggravating circumstances can increase this offense to a misdemeanor which could remain on your criminal record permanently. If…

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Investigation Underway into Death of 11-Year-Old Girl

On February 24th, an 11-year-old school girl was involved in a seemingly minor schoolyard altercation with another pupil. Students said they suspected the fight was other a boy and they went to a nearby alley to fight. The fight was quickly broken up by a friend, but not before J.R. was punched in the face, causing her nose to bleed. Witnesses who were…

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White Collar Crimes: Identity Theft

Identity theft could happen to anyone at any time. In fact, the Federal Trade Commission has estimated that approximately nine million Americans are victims of identity theft every year. This crime consists of individuals stealing personal information like social security numbers, credit card numbers, names, and addresses. In many cases, victims do not even know that anything is wrong until they see purchases…

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What Constitutes Conspiracy?

According to the California Penal Code Section 182-185, conspiracy is when “two or more persons conspire to commit a crime.” They do not actually have to take any action towards committing the crime, but it must be proven that they both intended and agreed on that end. Another form of conspiracy it attempting to falsely accuse another of a crime, full knowing that…

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“Highly Psychotic” Man Convicted of Stalking Celebrity

One of the costs of being in the limelight is that your privacy in constantly invaded. For some celebrities, it essentially does not exist. However, invasion of privacy and constant annoyance from paparazzi is in a completely different category than stalking and death threats. Such is the case of singer/songwriter Madonna. This past Friday, a former mental hospital patient was convicted of stalking…

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Drug Trafficker in Los Angeles is Convicted

It has been reported that one man from Southern California has recently received a conviction in regards to charges of the trafficking over a million ecstasy pills. The 30-year-old defendant, initials J.L., was from Monterey Park and after being criminally charged a year ago enter in a plea of guilty. He was criminally charged with the conspiracy to distribute, as well as the…

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