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Baggage Containing Loaded Handgun Found at LAX

This past Sunday, a man traveling on Alaska Airlines was questioned regarding the loaded handgun found in his duffle bag. The gun made it through airport security unnoticed until it fell out of the bag as the luggage was being loaded into the plane. It is legal to carry unloaded firearms in the cargo section of the plane if you have first secured…

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Weapons Stolen From Los Angeles SWAT Facility

Over thirty firearms were stolen from a SWAT training facility last week. The weapons included MP-5 submachine guns and large caliber handguns. Although these weapons had been modified to fire blanks, law enforcement officers are worried that they could be altered back to fire live ammunition. The training facility was believed to be secure, but the thieves were able to cut through the…

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Orange County Shooter May Face Death Penalty

On Wednesday, October 12th, S.D. allegedly walked into an Orange County hair salon and opened fire. Armed with two to three handguns and wearing a bullet-proof vest, eight people were killed and one other injured in this inexplicable shooting spree. It was later discovered that S.D.’s ex-wife worked at the Seal Beach salon and was one of the deaths. S.D. was charged with…

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Bill Signed to Increase Access to Syringes

Governor Jerry Brown of California has signed two bills that will make it easier for drug users to purchase sterile needles. Currently, individuals are required to have a prescription in order to purchase a syringe. Although this bills sounds as if it is encouraging drug use, it is actually an attempt to curb the spread of hepatitis C and HIV. He also signed…

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Prison Guards Under Federal Investigation

The Los Angeles County sheriff has responded angrily to the news that several Los Angeles prison guards are under federal investigation. The investigation centers on allegations that inmates have been mistreated. Volunteers who help at the prisons and jails have stated that they witnessed guards beating the prisoners. Sheriff L.B. wants to improve the way that inmates are treated, but he does not…

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Los Angeles Department of Building and Safety Under Investigation for Bribery

On Monday, October 3rd, H.G. was sentenced to a year and a half in prison for accepting bribes. This Los Angeles building inspector had been systematically accepting bribes while working for the Department of Building and Safety. H.G. is not the only one who had been under investigation; this case is part of a larger investigation that has led to other arrests and…

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Undercover Police Shot in Gun Battle

On Saturday October 1st, two officers from the Los Angeles Police Department were working undercover in Koreatown, LA. At around 9.15 p.m. near Vermont Avenue and Leeward, they observed what appeared to be a gang-related shooting. They interfered in an attempt stop the shooting, but their intervention sparked a gun battle. Both officers were shot as a result. One officer was shot in…

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White Collar Crimes

What exactly arewhite collar crimes? According to the Nolo Law Dictionary, white collar crimes involve “a variety of nonviolent financial crimes, generally committed by businesspeople or public officials, involving commercial fraud, consumer fraud, swindles, insider trading on the stock market, embezzlement, bribery, or other dishonest schemes.” Many of these crimes are committed by an individual who was in a place of trust. For…

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Mom Endangers Children in Drunk Driving Accident

Six children were injured in a crash that took place in the early hours of Sunday morning in Lancaster. S.A. is a thirty-one-year-old mother and foster mother who was driving six children when she drifted off the road and overturned her SUV several times. What makes this case so shocking is that S.A. was intoxicated at the time of the crash. Her four-year-old…

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Early Warning for DUI Checkpoints?

A Santa Rosa, CA legislator has written a bill that would require advance warning on all DUI checkpoints. The exact location would be announced two hours before and residents would be notified two days in advance of the general location. While this may seem like good news to some, local law enforcement is strongly opposing this bill. They say that is would greatly…

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