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Martinian Law

What Is the Difference Between Wrongful Death and Survival Action?

The sudden death of a loved one is overwhelming, especially when the death occurs due to someone else’s negligent or wrongful actions. There are many decisions to be made in the days and weeks following the death, and these decisions may impact the rest of your life as well as that of your family. It’s difficult to make choices when you’re in the…

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General Damages vs Special Damages in a Personal Injury Claim

No one starts their day expecting it to end in a hospital, but accidents and injuries occur every day to people of all ages. All injuries are painful and upsetting, but when the injury occurred directly due to someone else’s actions or carelessness, it’s even more distressing. Whether the injuries occurred in a car accident, a slip-and-fall at a commercial business, or from…

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Common Types of Car Accident Injuries

A car accident causes a tremendous force on the human body. When the car comes to a sudden jarring halt in a collision, the driver and passengers continue to move forward at the speed the car was traveling until stopped by their seatbelts or by an impact against the interior of the vehicle. Even when traveling at a sedate 30mph, a 100-pound person…

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Recoverable Damages in a Wrongful Death Claim

No matter how wrong a loved one’s death feels to those left behind, California’s wrongful death laws specify that family members may file wrongful death claims only when a close family member’s death directly results from the careless, reckless, or purposefully wrongful actions of another party. Common reasons for filing wrongful death claims in California include car accident deaths, workplace injury deaths, deaths…

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What to Do After a Car Accident in California

California is known as a “driving state” due to the sprawling nature of its largest cities. Most residents drive rather than take public transportation to work and daily activities. With California’s busy roadways and large urban meccas, many car accidents occur daily, with an annual average of 250,000 accidents per year. California is a fault-based car accident state where it matters who causes…

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How to File and Win a California Wrongful Death Lawsuit

Have you lost someone due to someone’s negligence or recklessness? You have rights under California law and may be eligible to recover a cash settlement by filing a wrongful death claim with Martinian Lawyers. Accidents happen every day, but when negligence or disregard for human life leads to a tragic fatality, a wrongful death claim can be a means of helping the victim’s…

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Common Mistakes to Avoid in California Personal Injury Claims

When it comes to personal injury claims in California, avoiding common mistakes can significantly impact the outcome of your case. To help you navigate through the legal complexities and maximize your chances of success, we have compiled a comprehensive guide to steer clear of these pitfalls. In this blog post, we will highlight some common mistakes to avoid in California personal injury claims,…

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Steps to Preserve Evidence After a Personal Injury Accident in California

Preserving evidence is crucial for building a solid case regarding personal injury accidents. Whether you’ve been involved in a car accident, slip and fall incident, or any other type of personal injury accident in California, taking immediate action to preserve evidence can significantly impact the outcome of your case. This blog post will discuss the essential steps to keep evidence after a personal…

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Proving Negligence in California Personal Injury Cases: What You Need to Know

At Martinian Lawyers, our top priority is ensuring clients receive the justice and compensation they deserve in personal injury cases. A critical aspect of any personal injury lawsuit is proving negligence, often the cornerstone of a successful claim. This blog post will delve into the essential elements of proving negligence in California personal injury cases and what you need to know to protect…

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How to File a Product Liability Lawsuit for Damages

Each year, Americans spend roughly $13 trillion on consumer goods. Regardless of economic trends, which can fluctuate from year-to-year, we have to consistently buy products for use in our daily lives. We buy products for work, for leisure, for our homes, to live, etc. Americans expect that the goods they purchase will be free of defect or danger and perform as intended by…

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