Do You Qualify For Expungement?
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Do You Qualify For Expungement?

Expungement, or expunction, is a process where an individual’s criminal record is legally sealed. The court can essentially erase past criminal convictions so that the offender can start again with a clean slate. There are many cases of good people making mistakes when they were young and now are reaping the consequences. It can affect your ability to secure employment as well as be accepted into a higher learning institution or lease an apartment. If you are dealing with this issue, talk to a Los Angeles criminal defense lawyer from our legal team. We could review your case to see if you qualify for an expungement as well as walk with you through the entire legal process.

There are certain requirements that must be met in order to take advantage of this opportunity. One factor is the amount of time that has passed since the crime was committed. Also, if the crime was very serious in nature (for example, some sex crimes and violent crimes), an expunction may not be granted. Other convictions on your criminal record will also have an effect on your chances of qualifying. Even if your case seems like an expungement would not be possible, our firm could be able to help. With a strong legal representative on your side, you could get a second chance!Contact a Los Angeles criminal defense lawyer from Martinian & Associates to learn more.