L.A. Department of Building & Safety Under Investigation
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Los Angeles Department of Building and Safety Under Investigation for Bribery

On Monday, October 3rd, H.G. was sentenced to a year and a half in prison for accepting bribes. This Los Angeles building inspector had been systematically accepting bribes while working for the Department of Building and Safety. H.G. is not the only one who had been under investigation; this case is part of a larger investigation that has led to other arrests and terminations within the department.

According to the Federal Bureau of Investigation, H.G. demanded a bribe from an undercover agent and was recorded threatening the employee of a real estate developer. H.G., 49, gave no statement in court after he was ordered to pay back the $9,000 he gained frombribery.

Not only is offering a bribe illegal, but accepting or demanding a bribe is punishable as well. If you have been accused of offering or accepting a bribe, it is imperative that you speak with a Los Angeles criminal defense attorney as soon as possible. Depending on the magnitude of the bribe, you could be facing serious consequences.Contact a Los Angeles criminal defense attorney from our firm so we can review your case and discuss your options.