Man Sexually Assaults Victim from Online Dating Website
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Los Angeles Man Sexually Assaults Victim Found on Online Dating Website

On Monday, September 19th, a Los Angeles man was sentenced to a year in jail forsexual assault. A.W. met his victim on an online dating website. After their second date, sixty-seven year old A.W. drove the woman home and then proceeded to follow her inside. The man pled guilty to sexually assaulting her and will have to undergo five years of probation. He will also have to register as a sex offender and complete a year of counseling.

If you have been accused of any sex crime in Los Angeles, you need a qualified attorney to fight for you. Whether you were falsely accused or know you have made a mistake, you need legal representation that will make sure you are treated fairly by the justice system. A Los Angeles criminal defense attorney from Martinian & Associates can defend you whether you were accused ofDUI,domestic violence,murder,theft, orsex crimes. Let them help you know your rights and find the best legal solution for you.