Forgery and Counterfeiting: California Penal Code
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Forgery and Counterfeiting: California Penal Code

The California Penal Code Section 470-483.5 gives information regarding the offenses of forgery and counterfeiting. Forgery is defined as signing the name of another person, real or fictitious, with the purpose of committing fraud. If an individual was found to counterfeit a seal or handwriting of another person, they could also be guilty of forgery. This crime also extends to include: wills, checks, bonds, bank bills, money orders, medical records, and more. If someone was accused of forging a driver’s license or another form of government identification card or papers, the offender could be punished by up to one year in county jail.

If someone was accused of counterfeiting money or gold bullion or silver bullion, they could be guilty of counterfeiting. If convicted, they could be facing imprisonment of up to four years. If a person was given counterfeit currency and tried to pass it off as real, they could also be guilty and subject to the same penalties. Those who were found to have in their possession any tool or machinery used in counterfeiting, these items will have to be destroyed and the offender will be put in jail for two, three, or four years.

Forgery andcounterfeiting are classified aswhite collar crimes. White collar crimes are financially-motivated usually non-violent crimes. Other examples of these offenses includecredit card fraud,embezzlement,identity theft,bribery, andwelfare fraud. If you were accused of this crime, it is imperative that you have a strong legal representative on your side. Our team atMartinian & Associates Inc. has years of experience in this area of law and a Los Angeles criminal lawyer could protect you from even the most serious charges. If you need more information,contact a Los Angeles criminal defense attorney from our firm as soon as possible.