O.C. Man Convicted of Beating & Dismembering Wife
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Orange County Man Convicted of Beating and Dismembering Wife

This past Monday, a man from Orange County was convicted of themurder of his wife. The couple had been married for 39 years. When friends had asked the husband, R.G.F., where his wife was, he stated that she had left him because they were having problems as a couple. After six months of not hearing from his wife, however, friends decided to formally file a missing person’s report. This report was filed in August of 2010, but R.G.F. continued to lie to the police regarding where his wife was. Finally, he was afraid that he would be discovered and told police he had killed his wife during an argument.

In February of 2012, he had struck his wife on the head with a statute while in their home. He said that he attacked her while in a rage. Rather than report the incident, he kept his wife’s body in the house. After dismembering her body, he rented an RV and put her body parts in freezers in the RV. After driving to Lake Piru Recreational Area located in Ventura County, he burned the body. R.G.F. was charged with second degree murder, afelony crime. As mentioned earlier, he was convicted of this offense on Monday. He will not be formally sentenced until this coming February, but could be facing up to life in prison.

Murder is one of the most serious criminal charges a person can be facing. Whether you have been accused of aviolent crime,sex crime,drug crime, ortheft, you need to ensure that you have a skilled legal advocate on your side. Our team atMartinian & Associates Inc. has years of experience on our side and will do everything in our power to ensure that your rights are defended. Please,contact our office as soon as possible for help.