Officer Allegedly Committed Statutory Rape & Shot Dead
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Police Officer Allegedly Committed Statutory Rape and Shot Dead

An officer in the Santa Maria police department was fatally wounded after he resisted arrest for sexual misconduct. The married man had been working for the police department for four years when details came out regarding an explicit sexual relationship he was having with a 17-year-old girl. The officer was working at aDUI checkpoint when his supervisors arrived at the scene to arrest him. Rather than going with them, he chose to fight back. He drew his weapon and fired at his co-workers. In response, a fellow officer shot back, wounding him in the chest. Although he underwent an emergency surgery, he died of his wounds.

Even though the investigation had already been underway, the supervisors had chosen to act at that time because further details had surfaced regarding the seriousness of the situation. It had also come to light that the man had intimidated witnesses. However, no one expected him to react in the way he did. Although details of the case have not been disclosed to the public, the authorities did stress that the case was very serious. It is currently under investigation by the Santa Barbara County Sheriff’s Department.

According to the California Penal Code Section 261-269, it is against the law for an adult to havesex with a minor who is not their spouse. In California, a minor is anyone under the age of 17. It the minor was more than three years younger than the adult, then they will be guilty of a misdemeanor. If you were accused ofsex with a minor,molestation,sexual abuse,prostitution, or any othersex crime, contact a Los Angeles criminal defense attorney from Martinian & Associates Inc. They have extensive experience in this area of law and will do everything necessary to defend you. To learn more,contact a Los Angeles criminal lawyer today!