California 2012: New Year, New Laws
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California 2012: New Year, New Laws

In California, 760 laws have come into effect. As the state is already in financial trouble, not everyone is pleased with the news laws or the money it will cost. While some took effect on January 1st, others will not become authoritative until later this year.

Gov. Jerry Brown has upset conservatives with some of the social-related bills that he signed into law. An example of this relates to the gay, lesbian, and transgender population. It is now required that their history be taught in school, as well as their “role and contributions” in society.

Other laws relate more tocriminal defense proceedings. California is now the fourth state to ban the sale and possession of shark fins. This has upset members of the Chinese-American community as it is part of their cultural menu. But in an effort to protect this endangered species, it is now illegal. It is also illegal to carry a handgun publicly.

As laws vary from state to state and are constantly changing, it is highly recommended that you contact an attorney if you were accused of a crime. As prosecution will endeavor to place the highest possible penalties on you, it is important that a strong Los Angeles criminal lawyer from our firm stand up for you. To learn about howMartinian & Associates Inc. could help you,contact a Los Angeles criminal defense attorney today!