Los Angeles Man Arrested for Killing Father With Hammer
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Los Angeles Man Arrested for Killing Father With Hammer

On March 18th, a man was arrested after telling law enforcement that he was guilty of killing his father with a hammer. Police went to the home in Chatsworth after receiving a call and they found a man dead inside. Rather than making up an excuse, the son of the dead man freely told the police that the man was his father and that he had died because of a hammer blow to the head. The father was pronounced dead at the scene and, following this odd confession, the man was taken into custody. So far, no names have been released and it remains to be seen what exactly took place in Candice Place, Chatsworth.

Under California Penal Code,murder is the “unlawful killing of a human being, or a fetus, with malice aforethought.” If the suspect in this case is proven to be guilty murdering his father, he could be facing serious penalties. If you were accused of murder, you should talk to a Los Angeles criminal attorney from our firm as soon as possible. We will do everything in our power to help you get your charges dropped.Contact a Los Angeles criminal defense lawyer from our team today to learn more about how we could help you.