World-Renowned Wine Collector Arrested for Fraud
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World-Renowned Wine Collector Arrested for Fraud

Wine collector and dealer, Indonesian R.K., was arrested in Los Angeles following attempts to sell over $1.3 million incounterfeit wine. He was well known for his taste and expertise and his mere interest in a wine could drive up the prices. He sold to millionaires and billionaires and even had an unconditional return policy on his wines. The first hint of suspicion arose in 2008 when 84 bottles of wine were found not to be authentic. One of the Domaine Ponsots had a label stating it was from 1929 even though they were not made until 1934.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation arrested him on charges of mail and wire fraud which he committed in order to sustain his lifestyle. They have said that they found materials used to counterfeit wine in his home. Fraud is a white collar crime that can range fromembezzlement tomoney laundering to fraud. If you were accused of any of these crimes, your case is not hopeless. By talking to a Los Angeles criminal defense lawyer from our team, we could examine your case and seek to get your charges dropped.Contact a Los Angeles criminal attorney from the firm today to learn more!