48-Year-Old Arrested On Suspicion of Murdering Wife
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48-Year-Old Arrested On Suspicion of Murdering Wife in Newport Beach

A man is being held on a $1.5 million bail for the suspected murder of his wife. Forty-eight-year-old P.C. is facing a charge of felony murder for financial gain after being taken into custody on Thursday the 11th. He was arrested at the Mexican border and authorities are trying to discover where he was and what he was doing between the time his wife died and the time he was arrested. Suspicions that something was wrong began when no one picked up the couple’s children from school. The siblings, aged 8, 10, and 14 were left alone, causing a neighbor to call the authorities. In response, they visited the family’s $2.5 million home on the Newport Beach coast to determine if there were problems with the family, such as child abuse or neglect. What they discovered was far worse than they expected.

When police arrived at the home, what they found was signs that a struggle had taken place. They immediately suspected the possibility of foul play. Both P.C. and his wife Q.C. was missing and the search began immediately. One of the neighbor’s had stated that they heard Q.C. scream early that morning, but had not thought it was anything serious. Neighbors also described the family as nice and that only good things could be said about the couple.

This case is unique in that the motive for the murder has been found, but the victim’s body has not. It is known that the couple was disputing about finances and the possibility of a divorce and it is known that the suspected foul play took place on Wednesday. The events which transpired between this and P.C.’s arrest have yet to be determined. For more information onmurder charges and how to defend yourself, please do not hesitate to contact our team atMartinian & Associates Inc. Call today to schedule an appointment.