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Tigran Martinian Interviewed on NBC Discussing Drugs and Driving

With the increasing number of drugged driving arrests on California roads and highways, law enforcement and prosecutors are beginning to take notice. Currently, California law lumps drugged driving together withdrunk driving, but that may soon change. Law enforcement officers are being trained in tactics that will help better identify drugged drivers during traffic stops. Drugged driving arrests are leaving much more to officer…

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Torrance Woman Accused of Drunk Driving and Manslaughter

In the U.S., it is illegal to drive with a blood alcohol content of 0.08% or above. In a case involving 51-year-old S.W. of Torrance, she was found to have a blood alcohol content of over twice this amount. She was driving at 11:25 p.m. on Torrance Boulevard when she struck a pedestrian, 31-year-old P.M. also from the area. Rather than slow down…

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New Survey Suggests Drugged Driving is More Common Than Drunk Driving

A survey set up by the California Office of Traffic Safety showed some surprising findings in regards to driving under the influence. Althoughdrunk driving may be the more well-known form of this crime, the findings of this survey show that drugged driving is more common on the weekends. Over 1,300 people took part in this survey that took place in nine cities in…

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Three Killed in Suspected Drunk Driving Accident in Studio City

In the early hours of Sunday morning, at approximately 3.30 a.m., a BMW crashed into a pizzeria in Studio City. Not only was the vehicle driving at speeds close to 100 mph, but the three people inside the car had just come from a party where they had been drinking. It is thought that the driver lost control of the vehicle and then…

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Independence Day Arrests: Over 500 Accused of DUI

In every U.S. state, the legal limit for drinking and driving is a blood alcohol content of less than 0.08%. Los Angeles saw checkpoints throughout the county over this holiday weekend. It may come as a surprise to learn that the 4th of July is one of the deadliest holidays in the U.S. One of the reasons for this is that the festivities…

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Drunk Driving Arrest for Bobby Brown

On Monday, March 26th, the ex-husband of Whitney Houston was pulled over and arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol. The arrest of Bobby Brown comes only a little over a month after the death of the famous singer/songwriter. Police say that he was at first pulled over for talking on his cellphone while driving, but it soon became apparent that he…

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1,500 DUI Arrests During Holiday Season

In Los Angeles County, 1,500 arrests were made from December 16th to December 25th. This number is up from the 1,260DUI arrests that were made last year. These alleged drunk driving violations were the result of a DUI crackdown that involved 100 law enforcement agencies, including the L.A. County Sheriff’s Department and the California Highway Patrol, as well as local police departments. This…

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Mom Endangers Children in Drunk Driving Accident

Six children were injured in a crash that took place in the early hours of Sunday morning in Lancaster. S.A. is a thirty-one-year-old mother and foster mother who was driving six children when she drifted off the road and overturned her SUV several times. What makes this case so shocking is that S.A. was intoxicated at the time of the crash. Her four-year-old…

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Early Warning for DUI Checkpoints?

A Santa Rosa, CA legislator has written a bill that would require advance warning on all DUI checkpoints. The exact location would be announced two hours before and residents would be notified two days in advance of the general location. While this may seem like good news to some, local law enforcement is strongly opposing this bill. They say that is would greatly…

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