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How to File a California School Sexual Abuse Lawsuit

Sexual violence in American schools is a widespread issue impacting countless students throughout the nation annually. Whether the crime is classified as assault or abuse, incidents of sexual violence have increased dramatically in recent years, according to data provided by the Education Department. In fact, during the 2017-2018 school year, U.S. public elementary and secondary schools reported a more than 50% increase in…

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How to File a Civil Claim With a Los Angeles Burn Injury Lawyer

Suffering a burn injury can be a traumatic experience. The resulting pain and suffering, potential scarring and disfigurement, as well as the prolonged medical care and expenses often add up to a difficult road to recovery. Burns can require hospitalizations, surgeries, and an array of specialized treatments. When a burn injury occurs as a result of someone’s negligence or ill intent, the victim…

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Better Late Than Never: How Speeding Causes Accidents

Speeding is a traffic violation that nearly every driver is guilty of at some point. While it is understandable that getting places on time is important, it should never be more important than your safety. The Dangers of Speeding Many people do not see the risks of traveling just five or 10 miles over the speed limit. However, there are numerous potential dangers….

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How to File a California Swimming Pool Accident Lawsuit

Southern California is known for its sunshine and warm weather which can be enjoyed year-round. Accordingly, many homes in the Golden State are equipped with swimming pools. And while a backyard pool can be a great source of entertainment for families, it can also pose a significant danger if not properly maintained and/or supervised. In the sections below, we will take a look…

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5 Halloween Safety Tips

Many children and adults look forward to the fun festivities of Halloween weekend and Halloween night. However, as everyone is out and about celebrating, there are numerous safety risks to be aware of. If you are driving this upcoming holiday weekend, utilize these important safety tips from our team at Martinian & Associates Inc.. 1. Look Out for Pedestrians You should always be…

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Can I File a Third Party Construction Site Accident Injury Claim for Compensation?

The construction industry can be a dangerous place of employment for countless workers throughout the United States. In fact, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BOL) confirms that in 2020, one in five workplace deaths occurred in the construction industry. Additionally, the BOL confirmed that the construction industry accounted for 46.1% of all fatal falls, slips, and trips in 2020. While construction sites…

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What Should I Do After Being Accused of a Hit and Run Car Accident?

What are the Steps to Take if I’m Accused of Hit and Run in California? Have you been accused of committing either misdemeanor or felony hit and run in California? The team of experienced hit and run criminal defense lawyers at Martinian & Associates recommends that you never: Admit fault Make an official statement of any kind Speak to the police without an…

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Who is Liable After a Rental Truck Accident?

Who Can Rent a Truck in California? People may need to rent trucks for various reasons, one of the most common being moving residences. You may be wondering, can anyone with a license rent a truck? The answer is that it depends on the rental truck company. Each company has its own requirements for drivers. Some allow individuals who are 18 with a…

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Top 10 Steps to Take After Your Car Has Been Hit by a Big Rig or Commercial Truck

What should you do after a commercial or big rig truck accident injury? How can I file a big rig or commercial truck accident injury lawsuit? Can a Los Angeles truck accident lawyer help me recover a maximum cash settlement for my injury? Los Angeles County has some of the most heavily-congested roadways in the nation, with the I-5 South and I-10 East…

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Top 9 Steps to Take After Being Injured in a Los Angeles Pedestrian Accident

What steps should I take after a pedestrian accident? Can I sue after a pedestrian accident? Do I need a lawyer after a pedestrian accident injury? Los Angeles is a city that is constantly burdened by heavy traffic. Angelenos love their cars, and need them to get from Point A to Point B every day. But in all the commuting, traveling, and even…

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