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Personal Injury

Martinian Lawyers Secures $22.5 Million Jury Verdict Against the City of Los Angeles — Its Largest Settlement to Date

On November 14, 2020, 59-year-old Ismael Soto Luna was waiting to cross the street at the corner of Noble Avenue and Roscoe Boulevard in Van Nuys when a two-pound metal cap from a nearby light pole fell 30 feet, striking him on the head and knocking him to the ground. Represented by attorneys Arash Zabetian and Tomik Vertanous of Martinian Lawyers, Luna sued…

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How Long Do I Have to File a Personal Injury Claim In California?

Suffering a sudden injury sends your life spinning in a new undesirable direction, with unfortunate repercussions on all aspects of living, including financial strife, painful medical procedures, and lengthy recovery times. In the worst cases, a serious injury could result in long-term consequences or permanent disability. The paperwork process, investigations, and negotiations associated with a personal injury claim in California’s fault-based insurance state…

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Will My Driving Record Affect My Personal Injury Claim?

California is one of the majority of states with fault-based insurance laws for car accident claims. Under the state’s pure comparative negligence laws, it matters who caused or contributed to the accident. If you’ve suffered injuries and property damage in a California car accident through no fault of your own, you might expect the insurance company of the negligent or reckless driver to…

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Personal Injury Statute of Limitations by State

When pursuing legal recourse after a personal injury, time is of the essence. Personal injury cases in every state in the US are governed by statutes of limitations, which are legal provisions that set strict deadlines for filing claims after an injury occurs. As defined by Cornell Law School, a statute of limitations is a “law that bars claims after a certain period…

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Understanding California’s Pure Comparative Negligence Law

California is one of 13 states with a fault-based insurance system that operates under pure comparative negligence law. This system allows injury victims to recover compensation for injuries caused by another party even if they contributed to the cause of the accident or the severity of the injuries. While some states have no-fault insurance laws and others use a modified comparative negligence system…

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California’s Pedestrian Laws

Walking is a healthy and eco-friendly choice for reaching destinations in your California community, for walking a dog, or for time with family in the fresh air. While most walks are uneventful and relaxing, it only takes one pedestrian accident to alter the course of a life or family. In California, the word “pedestrian’ also refers to skaters and those in motorized wheelchairs….

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What Is a Traumatic Brain Injury?

The brain is the body’s control center as well as the bank of memories and thoughts that make us who we are. Unfortunately, it’s also a complex and sensitive mass of tissue that’s vulnerable to injury in a trauma despite the protection of a bony outer skull and a cushioning inner layer of fluid. When the head suffers a forceful blow from an…

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General Damages vs Special Damages in a Personal Injury Claim

No one starts their day expecting it to end in a hospital, but accidents and injuries occur every day to people of all ages. All injuries are painful and upsetting, but when the injury occurred directly due to someone else’s actions or carelessness, it’s even more distressing. Whether the injuries occurred in a car accident, a slip-and-fall at a commercial business, or from…

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Recoverable Damages in a Wrongful Death Claim

No matter how wrong a loved one’s death feels to those left behind, California’s wrongful death laws specify that family members may file wrongful death claims only when a close family member’s death directly results from the careless, reckless, or purposefully wrongful actions of another party. Common reasons for filing wrongful death claims in California include car accident deaths, workplace injury deaths, deaths…

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How to File and Win a California Wrongful Death Lawsuit

Have you lost someone due to someone’s negligence or recklessness? You have rights under California law and may be eligible to recover a cash settlement by filing a wrongful death claim with Martinian Lawyers. Accidents happen every day, but when negligence or disregard for human life leads to a tragic fatality, a wrongful death claim can be a means of helping the victim’s…

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