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Sex Crime

Police Officer Accused of Child Pornography Possession

A member of the Long Beach Police Department was arrested when it came to light that he had been soliciting child pornography. The 40-year-old had been a police officer for nine years when this arrest came. He had met a minor while working and had texted the youth asking for inappropriate photographs. The minor went to a school resources officer to ask what…

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Police Officer Allegedly Committed Statutory Rape and Shot Dead

An officer in the Santa Maria police department was fatally wounded after he resisted arrest for sexual misconduct. The married man had been working for the police department for four years when details came out regarding an explicit sexual relationship he was having with a 17-year-old girl. The officer was working at aDUI checkpoint when his supervisors arrived at the scene to arrest…

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Los Angeles Man Sexually Assaults Victim Found on Online Dating Website

On Monday, September 19th, a Los Angeles man was sentenced to a year in jail forsexual assault. A.W. met his victim on an online dating website. After their second date, sixty-seven year old A.W. drove the woman home and then proceeded to follow her inside. The man pled guilty to sexually assaulting her and will have to undergo five years of probation. He…

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Brief Overview of Sex Crimes

Sex crimes covers a broad spectrum of sex-related offenses. In essence, sex crimes involve non-consensual sexual contact. For example,sexual assault typically refers to non-consensual sexual contact, whereasrape involves non-consensual sexual intercourse; however, some states use the terms interchangeably. Sex crimes can range from something such aslewd conduct to more serious charges of child pornography, rape andsex with a minor. The more severe types…

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