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Sex Offender Arrested in Irvine Park for Violating Terms of Parole

Convicted sex offenders are not allowed to go near city parks, but this did not stop 51-year-old J.P.N. from attempting to play a game of tennis in Citrus Glen Park last week. The law in Irvine was enacted in July of 2011 and stated that city parks and recreational facilities were off-limits for those who had been previously convicted of a sex offense….

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Three Killed in Suspected Drunk Driving Accident in Studio City

In the early hours of Sunday morning, at approximately 3.30 a.m., a BMW crashed into a pizzeria in Studio City. Not only was the vehicle driving at speeds close to 100 mph, but the three people inside the car had just come from a party where they had been drinking. It is thought that the driver lost control of the vehicle and then…

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Man Arrested at Home of Miley Cyrus

A man claiming to be Miley Cyrus’ husband was arrested after being found prowling on the property of her home in Studio City. The LAPD responded to a radio call and when they arrived, the man ran away and attempted to hide in some bushes. As they arrested him, he adamantly protested that he was a friend of the actress and singer for…

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25-Year-Old Arrested On Suspicion of Setting Mother On Fire

This afternoon, September 6th, police have stated that a 59-year-old woman in Sylmar has passed away after allegedly being set on fire by her son, P.C. The incident took place on Saturday and she had been in a critical condition ever since. The police had found her in her home and her son was arrested at the scene. He was suspected of the…

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Man Charged With Murder in 34-Year-Old Cold Case

On Thursday August 23rd, M.N.C. aged 53 was arrested on suspicion of a murder that took place in 1977. On December 27, 1977, S.H. was found dead in her home in Long Beach with her child sitting unharmed beside her. The young mother was only 17 years old when she was killed and it was found than she had been raped, stabbed, and…

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LAPD Under Investigation Regarding Firearm Sale

It has recently been announced that the SWAT unit of the LAPD is under investigation by an independent watchdog. They have stated that there are serious concerns regarding whether members of the SWAT unit may have used their position to acquire specially-made weapons in order to sell them at a profit. This is not a recent occurrence, however, with the first suspicions being…

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Suspect Under Arrest Following Attempted Rape in Santa Clarita

In the early hours of Saturday morning, at approximately 5.50 a.m., a 19-year-old woman woke up after hearing sounds in her home. She lived in the 27500 block of Sierra Highway in Santa Clarita, California. She went into her living room in order to see what was causing the noise when she saw a man. According to her report, she told him to…

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70 Year Old Tennis Referee Accused of Murdering Her Husband

After being arrested in New York where she was scheduled to be a line judge at the U.S. Open, Lois Goodman was brought back to Los Angeles to begin her trial for the charges of murdering her husband. The series of events began last spring when Goodman claims that she found the body of her husband when she came home in Woodland Hills,…

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Death of Director Tony Scott Now Being Treated As a Suicide

On Sunday August 9th, director Tony Scott jumped to his death from a bridge over the Los Angeles Harbor. Born in North Shields, England to working-class parents, Tony Scott became interested in film-making at a young age. When he was sixteen, he appeared in a short film directed by his brother, Ridley Scott. Ridley Scott is known for being the director of Blade…

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18-Year-Old Mother of Two Leaves Children Locked in Car

Two children were sent to St. Francis Medical Center in Lynnwood, California after being rescued from their locked vehicle. A concerned citizen was officially thanked by the LAPD after reporting seeing the children locked in a car in 92 degree weather. The temperature inside a car is up to 15 degrees hotter than the outside temperature, making it extremely dangerous to leave people…

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