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Who is Liable After a Rental Truck Accident?

Who Can Rent a Truck in California? People may need to rent trucks for various reasons, one of the most common being moving residences. You may be wondering, can anyone with a license rent a truck? The answer is that it depends on the rental truck company. Each company has its own requirements for drivers. Some allow individuals who are 18 with a…

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What Should I Do After Being Accused of a Hit and Run Car Accident?

What are the Steps to Take if I’m Accused of Hit and Run in California? Have you been accused of committing either misdemeanor or felony hit and run in California? The team of experienced hit and run criminal defense lawyers at Martinian & Associates recommends that you never: Admit fault Make an official statement of any kind Speak to the police without an…

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Top 10 Steps to Take After Your Car Has Been Hit by a Big Rig or Commercial Truck

What should you do after a commercial or big rig truck accident injury? How can I file a big rig or commercial truck accident injury lawsuit? Can a Los Angeles truck accident lawyer help me recover a maximum cash settlement for my injury? Los Angeles County has some of the most heavily-congested roadways in the nation, with the I-5 South and I-10 East…

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Top 9 Steps to Take After Being Injured in a Los Angeles Pedestrian Accident

What steps should I take after a pedestrian accident? Can I sue after a pedestrian accident? Do I need a lawyer after a pedestrian accident injury? Los Angeles is a city that is constantly burdened by heavy traffic. Angelenos love their cars, and need them to get from Point A to Point B every day. But in all the commuting, traveling, and even…

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Do I Have The Right to Sue After Being Hurt in an Uber Accident?

Uber and other ridesharing apps allow nearly anyone to become a hired driver. However, drivers are not required to go through any formal safety training before being approved by the rideshare company. Uber drivers are only required to have a valid license and a safe driving record. However, accidents still happen. Do Passengers Waive Their Right to Sue? Some Uber users may be…

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Is It Dangerous To Drive on Really Hot Days?

Summer in Los Angeles is hot. You may be wondering if the intense heat adds any risks to your daily drives. Let’s discuss what you should know about driving on days when it’s much warmer than usual. Heat-Related Driving Risks There are a few ways that heat can impact drivers and their vehicles. First, heat damage to car parts. Heat beating down on…

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Top 10 Steps to Take After a California Dog Bite Injury

Have you been injured by a dog bite or attack? Here are the Top 10 Steps to take to ensure that your dog bite injury is treated properly and that your potential civil claim has the best chance of success leading to maximum financial compensation. What are the Most Important Steps to Take After A Dog Bite or Attack? Attend to your health/seek…

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What Steps Should I Take After a Slip/Trip and Fall Accident?

Top 6 Steps to Take After a Slip or Trip and Fall Accident Injury: Assess Your Injuries Seek Medical Treatment Take Photographs or Videos Gather Contact Information From Any Witnesses Contact an Experienced and Proven Slip/Trip and Fall Lawyer File an Insurance Claim With the Help of Your Personal Injury Lawyer A slip or trip and fall accident is one of the most…

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Does Uber and Lyft Insurance Protect Passengers Who are Injured in Car Accidents?

Uber and Lyft have transformed how people get from point A to point B. Ridesharing services can be convenient, economical, and even good for the environment (when pooling with other riders). But while the number of people using rideshare services like Uber and Lyft has skyrocketed in recent years, the number of accidents leading to injuries has also increased substantially. If you’ve been…

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4 Legal Responsibilities All Drivers Have

When someone becomes a licensed driver, they take on responsibility for their own safety and the safety of all others on the road. To be as safe as possible, all drivers must follow the rules of the road. Let’s discuss five responsibilities that all drivers share. 1. Travel at a Reasonable Speed Local agencies set speed limits based on numerous factors that ultimately…

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