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Defendant Acquitted Despite DNA Evidence

Despite her DNA evidence being found at the crime scene, a woman was acquitted formurdering an aspiring model inside her Santa Monica apartment. The DNA evidence was in multiple locations at the crime scene, in fact, such as the victim’s cellphone, the knob of the stove and on the victim’s neck. Prosecutors protested that the evidence was too much to ignore, and alleged…

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Compton Teen Convicted of First-Degree Murder

A jury found a Compton teenager guilty of first degreemurder and lying in wait for the slaying of his girlfriend’s parents. The teenager had been accused of killing the couple, then driving to a party supply store with one of the victims still in the backseat of the vehicle. He was picking up party supplies for a Halloween party he planned to host…

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Northridge Kidnapping Suspect Pleads Not Guilty

In ourlast blog, we wrote of the Northridge kidnapping suspect’s capture in Mexico. This week, the man was formally read his charges – 37felony counts – to which he pleaded “not guilty.” Among some of those charges are accusations ofsexual assault andkidnapping. His 37 felony counts include: Kidnapping a victim under 14 Kidnapping to commit a crime First degreeburglary 34 sex offense counts…

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Northridge Kidnapping Suspect Caught in Mexico

Law enforcement recently reported that they have apprehended a man suspected ofkidnapping and assaulting a 10-year-old Northridge girl. The suspect was tracked down and arrested in Mexico at a Tijuana drug and alcohol rehabilitation center. Working together, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) had been concentrating their investigations near the California-Mexico border due to indicators that…

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The Rise and Fall in California’s Prison Population

The state of California recently implemented a prison realignment plan for the purpose of remediating the problem of overcrowding in state prisons. Unfortunately, it has had an unforeseen side-effect. Counties across the state of California are now short on funds for community corrections performance grants. In previous years, counties were given hundreds of millions in order to fund these grants whereas this has…

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Thirty-One-Year-Old Kills Four Family Members and Injures Two More

At an Indian reservation just 20 miles outside of Porterville, California, the community is reeling following a harrowing quadruple homicide. Thirty-one-year-old H.C. was shot dead, but not before he had killed four members of his family and injured two more. Although the man did have a history of drug abuse, there is as yet no indication as to what caused him to commit…

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Orange County Man Convicted of Beating and Dismembering Wife

This past Monday, a man from Orange County was convicted of themurder of his wife. The couple had been married for 39 years. When friends had asked the husband, R.G.F., where his wife was, he stated that she had left him because they were having problems as a couple. After six months of not hearing from his wife, however, friends decided to formally…

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Investigation Continues Regarding Four Deaths in Northridge, CA

On Sunday morning, December 2nd, police were called to a home in Northridge when yelling and shots were heard. The incident took place at about 4:25 a.m. and authorities responded immediately to the 911 call that was made. When they arrived, they found four people lying dead outside one of the homes. They had all been shot and were lying face down. It…

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Men Charged In Connection With the Death of Coast Guard

On Sunday December 2nd, a patrol plane noticed a boat in the Channel Islands. The boat raised suspicions because it was out on the water in the middle of the night and did not have any lights on. Not only that, but the boat was a panga, a boat commonly used by smugglers in the area. These are fairly small boats with an…

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Torrance Woman Accused of Drunk Driving and Manslaughter

In the U.S., it is illegal to drive with a blood alcohol content of 0.08% or above. In a case involving 51-year-old S.W. of Torrance, she was found to have a blood alcohol content of over twice this amount. She was driving at 11:25 p.m. on Torrance Boulevard when she struck a pedestrian, 31-year-old P.M. also from the area. Rather than slow down…

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