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Man Pleads Not Guilty to Dismembering and Cooking Wife

In Oceanside, California, a 68-year-old man, F.J.H., has been charged with the murder of his 73-year-old wife. On Friday November 16th, police went to the home of the couple. Neighbors in the area had been complaining of a bad smell coming from their home, so the authorities went to the home to investigate. They discovered what appeared to be three pots of meat…

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New Survey Suggests Drugged Driving is More Common Than Drunk Driving

A survey set up by the California Office of Traffic Safety showed some surprising findings in regards to driving under the influence. Althoughdrunk driving may be the more well-known form of this crime, the findings of this survey show that drugged driving is more common on the weekends. Over 1,300 people took part in this survey that took place in nine cities in…

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Parole Recommended for Woman Convicted of Conspiring to Kill Husband

Early in the morning on January 10th 1984, a masked man broke into the home of J.L.H. and her husband, J.H. He shot the husband twice in the temple and then left with the couple’s car. This, at least, was the story as told by J.L.H. When police began investigating the case, they discovered that it was her lover, A.R., who had broken…

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18-Year-Old Disabled Woman Raped While on Metro Bus

In Culver City on November 7th, an 18-year-old woman was raped while on a Metro bus. The woman was returning home from her special education school. She was mentally disabled with the mental capacity of a 10-year-old. She had only recently been allowed to travel to and from school on her own. She was followed onto the bus by a stranger. He followed…

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Shooting On USC Campus Leaves One Critically Injured

Law enforcement officers believe they caught the person responsible for shooting a man outside a university Halloween party, leaving him seriously wounded and injuring three others. The event, requiring student ID’s for entrance, nevertheless attracted a large number of locals, including the suspect and victim. Despite the crowded environment, school officials say no students were hurt during the incident. The shooting took place…

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Suspect In Vegas Chip Heist Arrested In Southern California

Police have allegedly taken a suspect accused of stealing from a Las Vegas casino into custody. The man is currently awaiting extradition from California to Nevada, where he is expected to stand trial. According to initial reports filed by law enforcement officials after the arrest, the defendant is a 31-year old man from Palmdale. Authorities believe that the suspect was involved in the…

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28-Year-Old Arrested Following Assault in Santa Clarita

In Santa Clarita, CA, a man in his late sixties was assaulted while on a bus. Theassault took place on October 5th while the bus was still at the Valencia Transit Center. The victim was said to have suffered injuries to his face and head and the Santa Clarita Valley Sheriff’s Station stated that this was a “particularly violent” assault. On Wednesday, October…

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Trial Begins for 12-Year-Old Who Shot His Father

On May 1, 2011, a 10-year-old boy shot his father at point blank range while he was sleeping on the couch. Since this incident, much attention has been given to the case, both because of the child’s age and because his father was a neo-Nazi. The two-week trial has now begun in Riverside County and it will determine whether or not the boy…

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Man in Long Beach, CA Seriously Burned by Molotov Cocktail

A 54-year-old man was waiting outside a grocery store for his father to finish getting his groceries. As he was sitting outside the store entrance minding his own business, a man came out from an alley and through a Molotov cocktail at him. The goal of Molotov cocktails is to set the target on fire and they are relatively easy to assemble. This…

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Police Searching for Arsonist in Pomona, CA

Just before one o’clock in the morning on Sunday the 21st, residents of an apartment complex in Pomona heard explosions coming from behind their homes. When they looked out of their windows, they saw flames and smoke coming from behind their apartments. Firefighters responded quickly, but not fast enough to save the carport from being destroyed. About six cars parked there were completely…

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