The Criminal Process | Martinian Lawyers
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The Criminal Process in Los Angeles

Explained by Martinian Lawyers

Being charged with a crime can mean many different things, depending on a variety of factors such as the crime committed and the severity of the charges levied. Being charged with a misdemeanor is potentially a much less serious matter than a felony. Likewise, facing state charges for the commission of a crime could be considered less serious than being hit with federal charges.

In the event that you have been charged with a crime and you are unsure as to what those charges entail, it is recommended that you contact one of our criminal attorneys in Los Angeles right away. They will be able to review your charges and discuss their possible ramifications and consequences. Additionally, they will be able to fight those charges in court on your behalf, thereby giving you a strong chance of a successful outcome.

Call (323) 850-1900 for your free consultation.

Steps in the Criminal Process

As frightening as it is, the criminal process is also logical and linear:

  • Following an arrest, the defendant will be brought before a magistrate judge within 24 hours so that a bond can be determined.
  • After the bond has been set, the defendant will have the ability to post bail and be released from jail.
  • If it is outside of their price range, they will remain in jail.
  • Should the prosecutor choose to continue the case, they will file all information and press formal charges.
  • This will then lead to a motion, hearing and trial.

Issues Related to the Trial Process

During this process, it is in your best interests to get the involvement of an attorney who can explain every step and all related issues, such as:

If you have been convicted and are looking for a second chance, an appeal might be the choice for you. During the appeal, you will be able to present your case in court once more to seek a new outcome.

For the convicted, one of the most difficult aspects is having a blemish on their criminal record. This, however, does not need to be permanent; through expungement, a criminal record can be sealed.

In certain cases, the State will legally be able to confiscate your assets if they have allegedly been achieved through crime or used as instruments during the commission of the crime.

Plea Bargaining
Simply speaking, this is an offer that is presented by the prosecutor for reduced charges. This lowers the risk associated with a trial, but also means guilt without the chance for proven innocence.

After a criminal trial has come to a close, should a verdict of “guilty” be achieved, the sentencing will occur. This is when the judge determines the punishment that will be sustained by the defendant.

The criminal trial process is complex and involves many different aspects, such as the introduction of witness and evidence, cross-examination and closing remarks. Every step is crucial to protecting you.

There are different types of warrants. Should one be issued in your name, you could be subjected to actions that would otherwise be considered a violation of rights, such as an arrest warrant.

Contact a Los Angeles Criminal Defense Lawyer for Your Case!

Whether you are facing charges for a misdemeanor, a felony, or you are facing multiple charges versus a single charge, it is in your best interest to hire an attorney to represent your case. The legal system is not an inherently simple one, and there is a good chance that you could become lost and eventually face stiff punishment for the crime you have been charged with.

An attorney is there to assist you in navigating your legal proceedings, and provide you with representation that is meant to provide you with the best likelihood of a favorable resolution. Contact us today!