Sentencing in Criminal Cases | Los Angeles Defense Attorney
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Sentencing in Criminal Cases

Sentencing in one’s criminal case comes after a guilty verdict has been reached in a trial. The presiding judge in the trial determines and imposes a punishment that they feel is in proportion to the severity of the crime committed. This means that criminal sentences vary greatly depending on circumstance and can involve everything from probation to community service to large monetary fines to jail or prison time.

In the event that you are found guilty of committing a crime, you are entitled to a sentencing hearing where you will be able to argue why you believe you should be given the lowest possible penalty. In addition, a criminal defense attorney can seek alternative sentencing in your case, such as drug treatment programs, alcohol education classes or anger management classes in lieu of incarceration in jail or prison.

Contact Martinian Lawyers today for your free consultation!

Answers to Your Questions Regarding Sentencing

The sentencing phase of a defendant’s conviction is used to determine what punishment most appropriately fits a convicted person’s case. If your criminal case concludes with a guilty conviction then you can expect the sentencing phase to being almost immediately afterwards. The same is true for persons who decide to plead guilty. In cases that involve more serious and / or complex verdicts, you can expect the sentencing judge to look to the prosecutor, the defense and the department of probation for input prior to making an ultimate determination as to your sentencing. In addition, factors specific to your case will also be taken into consideration when making a ruling as to your sentencing.

Included in these factors are the following:

  • Any prior history of criminal activity
  • A defendant’s personal circumstances, including economic and social statuses
  • The nature of the crime for which the defendant was convicted
  • Whether or not the convicted defendant expressed any regret or remorse

If you are going to be sentenced in your criminal case, it is to your benefit to have a skilled attorney who can fight on your behalf for a significantly reduced punishment. We at Martinian Lawyers are very familiar with all aspects of criminal defense, and we have represented numerous individuals in the sentencing phase of their legal proceedings. Our goal is to secure a resolution that is favorable to our clients; one that allows them to avoid stiff penalties such as exorbitant fines or jail time.

We are available to provide you with immediate help in your case, and we will do our utmost in our efforts to see that you successfully avoid any punishment that could have extremely adverse consequences to your life and future. Call a defense attorney today!