Los Angeles Human Trafficking Attorney
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Los Angeles Human Trafficking Lawyer

Human trafficking is defined as using threat, kidnapping, deception, coercion, or any other means to recruit, transport, harbor, or receive people to benefit financially or have control over them.

If you are facing kidnapping charges in California, contact a kidnapping attorney in Los Angeles for legal guidance. Otherwise, reach out to our Los Angeles human trafficking attorney to review your case.

California Human Trafficking Criteria

In the state of California, an individual can be charged with human trafficking whether they are committing the crime, planning or attempting to commit the crime, or participating with someone else who is committing the crime as an accomplice. A human trafficking lawyer in Los Angeles will provide the best legal advice on what to do moving forward. Human trafficking charges can carry severe and devastating penalties, including significant prison sentences and heavy fines.

If you are currently the subject of an investigation or have formally been charged with other crimes, it is vitally important that you immediately retain a competent and extremely qualified Los Angeles criminal defense attorney who has a proven ability to win their clients’ cases.

Contact Our Los Angeles Human Trafficking Lawyer

Crimes of human trafficking will be vigorously prosecuted in federal court and choosing the right lawyer to represent you could mean the difference between winning and losing. You will need strong, proven representation and an advocate to ensure that your rights stay protected and you are given a fair and lawful trial.

At Martinian Lawyers, our well-versed legal team can provide you with the high level of representation you need and deserve and will relentlessly hold the government to its burden of proving any guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. We will employ all legal measures to aggressively fight for your future freedom, and reputation and apply the creativity, talent and dedication needed to seek to achieve the best possible result in your case. We know how to handle complex federal criminal matters and will give you the guidance you need and a team you can trust to protect you in and out of the courtroom.

Contact a Los Angeles human trafficking attorney from our firm now for a free confidential case analysis and to learn what steps we can take to help you in your situation.