Sex Offender Registration | Martinian Lawyers
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Sex Offender Registration in California

Registration as a sex offender is a compulsory penalty for many sex crimes. Whether for a felony or misdemeanor, registration as a sex offender can result from a conviction. If this happens to you, your personal information will be recorded in a database and in the majority of cases, made available to the public. In many cases your exact home address will be included.

Searches can be made for your name to return a detailed personal profile to whoever chooses to access the information. In many cases lifetime registration is required. For lower tiers of offenses, registration requirements remain in place for 25 years or 15 years. You must verify your personal details for the registry periodically. For more information, contact Martinian Lawyers for a free consultation.

Sex crimes for which one may have to register as a sex offender include:

Martinian Lawyers: Dedicated to Defending Your Rights

If you are facing sex crime charges or have been ordered to register as a sex offender, there are actions that a Los Angeles criminal defense attorney can take to help you. At Martinian Lawyers, we will immediately review your case and investigate avenues which may lead to having your charges dismissed. Where this is not possible, we will attack your charges in an effort to have them reduced.

If done strategically, this may result in being charged only with acts that do not require registration. Additionally, registration for certain crimes is not a matter of public record. Of course, we will defend you with an acquittal as the ultimate goal. If you have already been ordered to register, consult with our firm, as in some cases one can apply to the Department of Justice for exclusion from the website. Contact Martinian Lawyers today.