Van Nuys Amazon Delivery Accident Attorney | Martinian Lawyers
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Van Nuys Amazon Delivery Accident Lawyer

Online retail is a thriving industry with more people than ever relying on goods delivered to their doorsteps. Amazon is the world’s largest online retailer, with over $412 billion in annual sales. With the nation’s increased reliance on online retail, Amazon delivery vehicles are among the most common commercial vehicles we encounter navigating our communities and highways, including in Van Nuys. When a fully loaded Amazon delivery truck has a motor vehicle accident with a standard passenger vehicle, the motorists in the smaller vehicle are vulnerable to serious injuries. Amazon delivery vehicle accidents have increased as the online retail service expands; however, Amazon distances itself from liability. A successful claim for compensation after an Amazon delivery truck accident is a highly complex process that involves the intervention of an experienced Van Nuys Amazon delivery accident lawyer. Call Martinian Lawyers for your Van Nuys Amazon delivery accident claim for the best possible outcome in your case.

Why Choose Martinian Lawyers for Your Amazon Delivery Accident in Van Nuys?

After an accident involving a mega-company like Amazon, a compensation claim requires specialized knowledge and careful handling. Martinian Lawyers are ready to represent your best interests throughout each stage of this exacting process. You can rely on our firm to provide advantages in your case, including the following:

  • A free case consultation and contingency-based payment so you pay nothing until after we resolve your case with a settlement or court award
  • A strategy tailored to the unique needs of your Amazon delivery vehicle accident
  • Experienced representation by a law firm with a track record of success, including in recovering compensation for clients injured by Amazon delivery trucks and Amazon Flex vehicles

By choosing Martinian Lawyers, you’ll enjoy representation by one of California’s most respected law firms led by founding attorney, Tigran Martinian. Mr. Martinian is a leading litigator in California, named as a Top 100 Trial lawyer, and responsible for recovering hundreds of millions of dollars for injury victims.

Who Is Liable for an Amazon Delivery Truck Accident in Van Nuys?

Despite Amazon’s high level of control, including staying in constant contact with drivers, monitoring their progress, timing their deliveries, and determining their schedules, Amazon maintains that they are not liable for accidents because their drivers are not employees but independent contractors. Instead, Amazon requires that their contracted drivers maintain at least the state’s required minimum insurance policy to cover damages in an accident. Liable parties in an Amazon accident claim may include any of the following:

  • The driver
  • A third-party delivery truck contractor
  • A truck maintenance company
  • The manufacturer of a defective delivery truck or vehicle part
  • A third-party driver

A limited number of lawsuits against Amazon for liability in an accident have been successful in recovering a settlement. Amazon Flex drivers who contract with Amazon to make deliveries with their own vehicles must carry up to $ 1 million in bodily injury liability insurance.

Because a claim for compensation after an accident involving an Amazon delivery vehicle requires a thorough investigation to determine liability, your case deserves a Van Nuys personal injury attorney with years of experience in this highly specialized area of liability law.

What Compensation Can I Recover in an Amazon Delivery Accident Claim in Van Nuys?

If you’ve suffered injuries from a serious accident with an Amazon delivery vehicle, a successful claim could recover compensation for common damages such as:

  • Medical expenses
  • Reimbursement for lost income
  • Future income loss or diminished future earning capacity
  • Pain and suffering

In some cases, other non-economic damages may apply such as compensation for loss of one of the senses, disfigurement, loss of limb, or loss of enjoyment of life due to disability. Your Van Nuys Amazon delivery accident attorney from Martinian Lawyers will carefully calculate your damages to maximize your compensation.

Call Our Van Nuys Amazon Delivery Accident Lawyers Today

Injuries can quickly cause financial hardship when large mega-companies like Amazon and their powerful insurance companies dispute or delay claims. Contact us today so our Van Nuys Amazon delivery accident lawyers can begin a strategy tailored to the unique elements of your Amazon accident case.